Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Three Powerful Money Spells You Can Try

Are you in need of some financial help? Try these... they do work and... what the heck, why not try it? It sure won't hurt anything :). -- Michelle  

Money spells are very popular. We'd all like some extra money here and there, and a money spell is a good way to help us along the way. Here are a few of my own personal money spells and charms that I'd like to share.

o Light a green taper candle, place it on your alter, and rub it down with almond oil. You can also light some almond incense if you wish. Meditate for a few minutes and then begin chanting:

"Money, money, come to me. I will have wealth and prosperity." "Money, money, come to me. I will have wealth and prosperity." 

Chant this mantra over and over again, for at least fifteen minutes. While chanting it, visualize yourself enjoying the money as if you already have it. Once you feel that you've gathered enough energy and that the mantra chanting was successful, then say,

"Money, money, come to me. I will have wealth and prosperity. Thank you Goddess/God/Universe (whatever you personally believe in) for hearing my plea, and so mote it be." 

Let the candle continue burning for awhile, just keep an eye on it so you won't burn your house down. :) This money spell should be done on a Sunday or Monday night of a full or new moon.

o Next time you go window shopping or browse eBay, say this money mantra over and over again while visualizing yourself obtaining everything you look at:

"All that I see will belong to me, I can manifest it all, as it's meant to be." Say this money mantra repeatedly while looking at everything you wish you could afford.

This next spell is a way to give gratitude and thanks for all the money you have had in your life up to now. Even if you feel you haven't had much, you should still be thankful for everything that you've had, rather than the feeling of "lack" for everything that you haven't had. The Universe will grant you your wishes more often, just as long as you are feeling true gratitude in your heart.

o You will need at least a dozen tea light candles placed all around you in a perfect circle. Sit down inside the circle, and hold your favorite gemstone in between the palms of both hands. This will be your gratitude rock. If you don't have a gratitude rock, then you need get one. Gemstones aren't always expensive. My personal gratitude rock is a piece of moldavite.

While holding the gemstone in between your palms, take deep, slow breaths and begin meditating. Try to spend at least fifteen minutes thanking the Goddess/God/Universe (whatever your preference is) for all the good things in your life at to this point in time. I'm sure you can come up with fifteen minutes of memories to be thankful for. You can also burn some incense if you wish. Make it a personal experience, use your favorite incense.

When this money spell is near its completion, chant this mantra a few times,

" Thank you for all that you have given me. I am now ready to receive more." 

Then finish this money spell and gratitude spell off by doing a proper banishing.

These are three money spells that I've done myself in the past. I've personally found them to be helpful, and hopefully you will too. It is sometimes hard to get money spells to work in general, so hopefully one of these (or all three) will be just what you need.

If you would like more info about witchcraft, I am an eclectic witch who can help you. - 
www.AvonleeStarkeeper.com On my site you will also find information about spells, magick, Reiki, law of attraction, the secret, and more!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=M_Deskins

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