Thursday, February 26, 2015

Name Analysis in Numerology

Name analysis in numerology involves associating the letters of your name with their assigned numeric values. Similar to birth date numerology, you will arrive at a single digit number which possesses certain attributes that can help to better define your character, goals in life and even give some hints about your love life. Numerology is considered to be an ancient pseudo science with a vague origin that is sometimes associated strictly with mathematicians and other times with Jewish mysticism winding back over 10,000 years. Name analysis has intensely accurate and relevant components which can help provide better direction and reassurance to even the most grounded individuals.
How Does Name Analysis Work?
Calculating the numerology of your name is simple. Beginning with A which equals 1 and B equals 2 all the way to I equals 9, you then repeat the pattern with J equaling 1, K equals 2 and so on. For the name Michael, you would be adding M(4) + I(9) + C(3) + H(8) + A(1) + E(5) + L(3)= 33. You then need to reduce the name to a single digit by adding each digit which would be 3 + 3= 6. Some people choose to use their first name only or their first and last or even include their middle name. Regardless of what you choose, there are continually underlying features of your numbers within your own personality. Knowing what the numbers mean is important to understanding who you are and the path you should take in your life.

Candle Magic - How Does Candle Magic Work?

Expert Author Tom H Alan
Casting a magic spell is not only done through magic wands as television series and movie franchises would lead you to believe. For those educated in spells and magic, candle magic is one of those things that are severely neglected and overlooked, but are so practical and useful that one might consider using them to better and improve their everyday lives even if they do not believe in such things like magic and spells or supernatural powers.
What is candle magic?

Candle magic is one of the most simple forms of magic and can be done practically anywhere with very limited resources available. Candle burning is very practical in its nature because it does not involve any expensive artifacts and any fancy rituals and ceremonies to accomplish. It is so simple, that most people forget the fact that one of the most common modern-day practices of candle burning rituals is still being done all over the world spanning all ages without any form of discrimination or malice - the ceremonial blowing of a birthday candle usually on a birthday cake.

How does candle magic work?